14 Creative Ways to Use the Toddle Workbook

Teaching young students can be creatively challenging – those bustling minds are always looking for exciting ways to learn. To capture and keep their fleeting attention, your learning experiences need to be informative but creative, inspiring but easy, collaborative but not too competitive…that’s a fine line to tread!

Here’s where Toddle’s workbooks come in handy – they help you balance and blend information, creativity, and collaboration, ultimately turning classroom ‘to-do’s to ‘love-to-do’s for your students!

With Toddle, you can now combine audios, videos, colours, shapes, links, and text – all in one workbook – and create wholesome learning experiences for your students. 

To help you get started, our PYP educators have put together 14 engaging workbooks involving games, quizzes, drag-drop puzzles, comic strips, animations, scratch-to-reveal activities, and more.  

Pick the ones that suit your students’ needs, edit them to your liking, and share them with your students – all from one place!

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1. Explore shapes

Shapes lend themselves beautifully to hands-on learning. Get your students to combine and measure shapes on geoboards and explore repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns in the objects around them. These activities are sure to nurture your students’ spatial awareness and motor skills.

2. Learn to read

Establishing a reading routine helps stimulate imagination, increase attention span, and build mental stamina (experts recommend that kids read at least 20 minutes every day!). Unpack the elements and emotions of your students’ favourite stories on visual story arc boards so they can comprehend and appreciate plotlines better.

3. Get artistic

Art and science go hand-in-hand in understanding the world around us. Help your students learn about the life cycles of animals, plants, water, and other resources through sketches. Notice how your students care a lot more for the planet as they finish these activities!

4. Explore area and perimeter

Lose those boring geometry worksheets! With Toddle, your students can visualize complex shapes on geoboards and measure areas and perimeters through interactive games.  Math, art, and fun – all in one learning experience!

5. Build classroom community

Don’t let remote learning hamper fun back-to-school activities! Get your students to open up about their favourite colours and pets, meet new friends through team games, and express their aspirations with audios, videos, and vision boards. (The ideal set of activities to start off the academic year!)

6. Get familiar with fractions

Most students find fractions challenging, but real-life examples can cut through all the jargon. Explore the basics of fractions using simple 2-D shapes, draw connections to their favourite foods and toys, and let them learn hands-on with vivid fraction quilts.

7. Discover visible thinking routines

Visual thinking routines help assess prior knowledge, develop new ideas, and prepare for deeper inquiry. Encourage your students to explore and interpret different perspectives of topics on visual charts or graphs, and track how their reasoning changes over time.

8. Learn to sort

Sorting activities improve your students’ observational and numeracy skills, and prepare them for lifelong literacy. Help your students learn how to classify books, animals, plants, toys, and the other objects they see every day using drag-drop puzzles.

9. Dive into word study

Pique your students’ passion for the language arts with audio-visual activities. Get them to identify and sound out vowels, consonants, phonics, and rhyme schemes in names, poems, stories and more using the audio/ video recording options on the Toddle student app.

10. Learn to tell time

In addition to being a life skill, telling time also improves motor and mathematical skills. Teach your students to ​​read and write time with animated analog clocks, and make connections between the time of the day and their routines using Venn diagrams, pie charts, and other tested math manipulatives.

11. Discover multiplication

Make multiplication memorable without those abstract tables. Use simple guiding arrays, colourful multiplication wheels, and skip counting exercises to help your students grasp the concept visually.

12. Encourage student reflections

These activities are sure to be a valuable measure of progress and can also set the direction of learning. Use thought-provoking prompts and guiding checklists to encourage students to reflect on their learnings, evaluate literacy skills, and expand their emotional vocabulary. 

13. Discover crosswords, word searches, and puzzles

Teach your students numbers, words, and colours using this collection of engaging activities. Get them hooked using crossword puzzles, word searching activities, boggle templates, bingo sheets, and sudoku puzzles.  A fun way to hone their logical and problem-solving skills!

14. Getting started: Toddle workbook 101

Wondering how to get your students started with these workbooks? This quick guide can help students get familiar with the different ways they can express their learning using Toddle workbooks.

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Disclaimer - This blog has been produced independently of and not endorsed by the IB. Toddle’s blogs seek to encourage sharing of perspectives and innovative ideas for classroom teaching & learning. They are not intended to be replacements for official IB guides and publications. Views and opinions expressed by the authors of these blogs are personal and should not be construed as official guidance by the IB. Please seek assistance from your school’s IB coordinator and/or refer to official IB documents before implementing ideas and strategies shared within these blogs in your classroom.