Support students with object selection and explorations for the TOK exhibition

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The TOK exhibition allows students to explore how TOK manifests in the world by showcasing three specific, real-world objects. Choosing appropriate objects is crucial to successfully completing the TOK exhibition assessment. Our TOK object sampler will help you and your students better understand how to select appropriate objects for the TOK exhibition and link them with prompts and themes.

Featuring sample objects, this resource illustrates meaningful connections between TOK IA prompts, themes, and objects. This versatile resource can be used while introducing the TOK exhibition to students. It can also be printed as flashcards and kept handy in the TOK classroom and your school library. 

Ideas for using this handbook:

  • Flashcards featuring three objects linked to a single IA prompt
  • A brief description of each object
  • A detailed link between the IA prompt and each object 
  • A holistic link between the three objects and the chosen theme
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Assessment, For Students, For Teaching Teams, Theory of Knowledge
How to Choose Objects for the TOK Exhibition
crucial to successfully completing the TOK exhibition assessment. Our TOK object sampler will help you and your students better understand how to select appropriate objects for the TOK exhibition and link them with prompts and themes.
Featuring sample objects, this resource illustrates meaningful connections between TOK IA prompts, themes, and objects. This versatile resource can be used while introducing the TOK exhibition to students. It can also be printed as flashcards and kept handy in the TOK classroom and your school library.