About the Talk
Imagine learning as a game in which every student is on the winning team. Right now, even though learning is the most important game of our young learners’ lives, many never win. They never reach their full learning potential. The reason is obvious: we don’t teach them how to play, at least not explicitly and consistently, as the key element in our ‘curriculum’. That just doesn’t make sense.
This interactive keynote will unpack the Why, How and What of changing the ways we think about learning and schooling and explain why the pandemic threw a glaring spotlight on the need for that change.
We’ll re-imagine learning as a team effort in which all learning stakeholders – students, parents, teachers, leaders are engaged, skillful players, not bewildered spectators.
This new learning story demands a new genre, so today’s conversation will be framed by a gripping graphic novel entitled, appropriately, The Learning Playbook.
Highlights you don’t want to miss
- The role of the parent as a player, teacher as a coach and child as the M.V.P in learning
- The 4 guiding questions for inquiry
- Provocations to think deeply about questions that matter like ‘sharing a simple learning language with parents and children – crazy or common sense,’ and ‘how much say should students have in what they learn’
- Big ideas on reimagining learning as a team effort