About the Talk
As much of the world has turned to technology to support opportunities for learning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers who may have previously resisted blended learning, flipped classrooms, and technology applications are now rapidly upskilling. But beyond clever learning management systems, curated content and engagingly innovative apps, what really matters when we consider how technology supports learning? Do we all need to be app smashing, or is good pedagogy just good pedagogy that transfers? How can we consider technology through the lens of transforming learning? Considering 21st century competencies, the UN sustainable goals, and the diverse range of learner needs, our internationally experienced panel of coaches, designers, educators, and integrators share specific approaches which take into account, purpose, context and effectiveness in enhancing learning.
Highlights from the panel discussion
- Diverse perspectives on technology in learning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Recommended approaches to support opportunities for learning using technology, that take into account purpose, context and effectiveness in enhancing learning